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Specialising in safety awareness training, travel safety and security advice for a wide range of professionals and individuals prior to their travels.

The Middle East

February 09, 2025

The FCDO is currently advising against all travel to Syria, Yemen, Iran and much of isreal and also has area travel warnings for many countries in the region. Whilst many parts such as the UAE, Egypt and Jordan are generally stable and prosperous, this is not the case other areas. On 7th October 2023 Hamas launched a major ground attack against israel settlements and launched hundreds of rockets.  Whilst the Lebanon remains in a state of political paralysis and is struggling to recover from the August 2020 port explosion. In Iran the situation has settled down following the 2022 mass demonstrations but in the long term the grip of the Mullahs seems to have been weakened. President Raisi died in a helpicopter crash in May 2024 and in June Masoud Pezeshkian was elected. He is viewed as being a more moderate but probably doesn't hold much influence. Iran remains a major influence in the whole middle east Israel/ Hezbollah/ Hamas power play

At least 34,000 people were killed in the February 2023 earthquake on the Turkish/Syrian border.

Current highlights:

  • Israel/Gaza: Ceasefire announced
  • Israel/Lebanon: Ceasefire extended to 18 Feb
  • Syria: Multiple mass graves found 
  • Yemen: Conflict continues
  • Iran: Weakened by loss of Assad ally & weak Hezbollah 

South & Central America

February 09, 2025

Prior to travel to the Americas, it's vital to check the Covid entry requiements, the FCDO website is a good starting point. Most countries require proof of double vaccination and the completion of a health entry form.

The crime rates in many Latin American cities is higher than in Europe and since the covid pandemic, many countries continue to face economic unrest. Inflation is very high in Argentina and Brazil is in a state of political unrest following the November 2022 election. In early December 2022, the Peru President Castillo was impeached and outsted from office leading to widespread street protests. Ecuador remains unstable due to gang violence and political instability.

Current highlights:

  • Trinidad & Tobago: State of emergency declared
  • Brazil: Landslides in Minas Gerais kills 10
  • Venezuela: Protesters clash on eve of Maduro inauguration
  • Ecuador: Power cuts due to lack of hydro
  • Mexico: Claudia Sheinbaum elected president
  • South America: Surge in cases of Dengue Fever
  • Brazil: Extensive flooding in Rio Grand do Sur
  • Ecudaor: Power cuts as drought affects hydro generation
  • Argentina: Increased risk of Dengue fever
  • Paraguay: Elevated Dengue Fever risk
  • Brazil: Increase in cases of Dengue Fever.
  • Ecuador: State of emergency continues in some areas
  • El Salvador: Nayib Bukele re-elected as president
  • Brazil: Significant increase in cases of Dengue Fever
  • Panama: Low water level in panama canal
  • Brazil: Amazon at low levels
  • Colombia: Ceasefire declared with ELN
  • Belize: WHO declares free of Malaria
  • Argentina: Inflation hits 120% 
  • Peru: Increased risk Dengue Fever in lowland areas
  • Bolivia: Santa Cruz area - increased risk of dengue fever

View our April 2023 South America Briefing



Indian Sub Continent

February 03, 2025

Travel to the Indian sub-continent is relatively easy provided it is well planned. There are a multitude of different entry requirements and safety and security is an issue in a number of areas such as Kashmir and the tribal areas of Pakistan. Throughout the region, the risk greatest risks are from road traffic accidents and pollution in urban areas. Myanmar (Burma) continues under military rule with sporadic protests and Sri Lanka is beginning to stabilise both politically and economically following the ousting of the Rajapaska presidency. Pakistan is politically and economically unstable and also threatened by growing violence in the NW from the TTP (Tehreek - e - Taliban Pakistan) Islamist group. This group claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing in Peshawar on 30 January 2023 which killed over 100 security forces officers and associates.

Current Highlights:

  • India: People crushed & killed at Kumbh Mela
  • Pakistan: Imran Khan sentenced to 14 years jail on corruption charge
  • Mayotte Island: Cyclone kills over 1000 people
  • Pakistan: over 40 dead in gun attack near Kurran 
  • India: Pollution in many cities
  • Pakistan: Smog  covers Lahore
  • Sri Lanka: Elections pass off peacefully
  • India: Violence in Manipur
  • Pakistan: Road side killings in Balochistan
  • Nepal: 14 dead in bus crash
  • Bangladesh: Some stability returns
  • India: New Kashmir bridge opens
  • India: Increased cases of Dengue Fever in Kamataka
  • Pakistan: Former PM Imran Khan sentence to 10 & 14 years jail
  • India: Water shortages in Banagalore
  • Sri Lanka: Increased risk of Denge Fever
  • Myanmar (Burma): FCDO advises against all but essential travel

Travelling in Africa

February 09, 2025

Travel to Africa should be well prepared as there are huge variation in the overall safety situation. At a high level, the risk from disease, especaily malaria in West Africa and parts of Southern Africa should be researched and road traffic accidents remain a constant thrreat.

The Sahel is highly unstable, particulary Mali, Chad, Burkina Fasa, Niger, Northern Nigeria. Parts of Somalia and Ethiopia are also in a flux of conflict. In mid April 23 Sudan descended into open civil war between the government/Army and the Rapid Suppoert Forces (RSF).  A coup in early August 23 disposed the elected goverment in Niger but the region into further crisis.  The risk from terrorism is significant in Kenya, parts of Egypt (Sinai).However, many parts of West Africa and Southern Africa are stable - The key is research. Check out the FCDO and also major global risk management companies such as Sibylline, ISOS/CRG, Salamanca & Worldaware.

South Africa will continue to have extensive power cuts for months if not years to come as the energy supply sector is broken. The state of the Zimbabwean economy is desperate with inflation running at about 250%, daily power cuts and mass unemployment, An election is due and Zanu-PF will do what is necessary, including violent repression to stay in power.  The football African Cup of Nation is being held in Ivory Coast from 13 Jan to 11 Feb 24.  

Current highlights:

  • DRC: M23 march on Goma
  • Tanzania: Outbreak of Marburg disease kills 8
  • Ivory Coast: French troops to withdrawl
  • Burkina Faso: Military disolves government
  • M Pox: spreads to DRC, Kenya, Uganda, 14,000 cases
  • Rwanda: Outbreak of Marburg disease
  • Nigeria: increase in cases of Chlorea
  • Zimbabwe: Accute drought conditions
  • Sudan: Fighting intensifies
  • Sierra Leone: Night time curfew
  • Kenya & Ethiopia: Severe flooding
  • Niger: France to pulls out troops
  • Gabon: Military Coup
  • Zimbabwe: Opposition protests likely
  • Malawi: Fuel shortages
  • Ethiopia: Increased levels of Cholera
  • Mali: UN peacekeepers ordered to leave
  • Mozambique: Elevated malaria risk
  • Ethiopia: Violence in Ahmara region
  • Zambia: Power cuts anticipated
  • Kenya: Continued risk from terrorism
  • South Africa: Power cuts continue





South East Asia

February 09, 2025

Travel to the Chinese mainland for toursim and some busienesses opened up again on 15 March '23. The region is generally easy and safe for both the business and recreational traveller, apart from Myanmar which remains unstable following the military coup of Febrary 2021. The military have systematically crushed civil resistance and the FCDO is currently advising against all but essential to Myanmar except for Yangon. Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand remain relativley stable and present no significant issues to travellers. UK citizens can generally enter viasa free for short stays.  In recentweeks Tjailand has become less politically stabel as the military & courts try to disrupt the power of rthe civilain government. We asses that Thailand is heading for increased political turbulance  

Current highlights:

  • Tibet/China:Major eathquake hits
  • Philippines: Typhoon hits
  • China: 35 die in ram attack
  • Indonesia: Volcanic eruption on Flores island
  • Vietnam: Recovers from typhoon Yagi
  • Vietnam: Increased risk of Dengue Fever in Hanoi
  • Myanmar: Army loses major town to Karen rebles
  • Taiwan: Elevated Dengue Fever threat
  • Laos & Vietnam: Dengue Fever risk
  • Cambodia: Water shortage in some cities
  • Philippines: Increased terrorism threat in Mindanao Province

North America

February 09, 2025

Travellers to the USA and Canada must ensure they have the correct entry permissions/documents. For the USA, most visitors will be able to enter on an ESTA, however, those who have travelled to USA restricted countries such as Yemen, Iraq and Iran must obtain a visa.

The USA is certainly a more challenging country than Canada due to the ever-increasing political divide and the racial and religious tensions and threat of gun violence including mass shootings which can occur in schools, cinemas and shopping areas.

Current Highlights:

  • USA: Wasnington DC: Helicopter & aeroplane crash kills over 60
  • USA: LA recovers from horrific wild fires
  • Canada: US threatened sanctions suspened by 30 days
  • Haweii: Volcano Kilauea reupts
  • USA; Republicans control both houses


February 09, 2025

The region of Austalasia covers Australia, New Zealand and some of the neighbouring Pacific islands. From a security perspective, both Australia and New Zealand are generally safe in comparison to other parts of the World. Environmental dangers are a concern.

New Zealand is an active seismic area with up to twenty earthquakes a day, however, most are small and are not felt. In recent years Australia has swung from extreme drought and devasting wild fires to torrential rains in the east and west coast in 2023.


World News

February 10, 2025

A range of risks occur for travellers, the top three are generally from crime, road traffic accidents (RTA's), disease and illness. In most of the large South American and African countries, crime will be the main risk. In South East Asia, it would be road traffic accidents and more recently, urban pollution.

The best sources of global news are the BBC, Reuters, The Economist and The Guardian.  Currently the war in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza conflict is focusing world attention. Russia is increasing its global voice with a despotic informal alliance with N Korea and Iran at a time that the USA is racked by infernal divisions and distraction of the 2024 presidential election. China continue to asert it's global presence. Across the globe there are neasrly 60 country elections planned so potentially 2024 will be a year of even greater geo political flux.


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