First-Aid and Medical


Medical knowledge and some first-aid is essential for many of our clients.  

For those deploying to conflict zones, being able to manage an airway or treat a gunshot wound will almost certainly be a lifesaver.  However, whilst so often people concentrate on the ‘bangs and the bullets’, the risks to life from road traffic accidents will be the greatest risk. 

Hostile Environment Safety Training course (HEST/HESC), the first-aid component might constitute up to 60% of the contents and would still be a significant percentage on our Expedition and Gap Year Travel Safety courses.

We can also offer a stand-alone first-aid course, either concentrating on basic life support and trauma management or with an emphasis on remote medical skills. 

All our medical instructors are either former military medics or paramedics or both and have all worked extensively overseas.





Want to find out more?

Check out the FIRST AID & REMOTE MEDICINE course for more detail.

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