Corporate Security

Providing assistance and advice on a full range of security issues. Whilst we have a well-deserved reputation for delivering safety training, we also provide clients with a full range of additional security advice, including development of travel procedures, risk assessments, crisis-management planning and training pre-departure checklists, security audits and risk profiling of individuals and security reviews.

  • Travel Risk Assessment
  • Crisis Management Planning and Training (see latest article)
  • Terrorism Awareness and Response Training
  • Security Reviews: Individuals and Premises/Homes
  • Creation and Implementation of Travel Procedures
  • Risk Assessments
    corporate security

Working alongside many of the large security companies, we give impartial advice to clients who are looking to purchase services such as kidnap response and insurance, 24/7 global security assistance or who wish to set up a medical or security evacuation contract.

Training services are geared to empowering the individual, the training is only really effective if the supporting organisation is in a position to help should things go wrong. Therefore, assisting with the development of a Crisis Management Plan and providing training to selected crisis and incident management teams.

For companies, NGOs and Charities and Humanitarian Aid Workers, the ability to avoid a crisis situation or to react to unfolding events is of vital importance. Providing assistance and training in a bespoke manner. Production of crisis management plans, providing staff training and finally, testing plans and procedures via test exercises.

Crisis Management is not a ‘black art’.  To be effective, we believe plans need to be simple and generic so that they can be adapted to the specific situation.


Terrorism Awareness and Response Training

As part of the Corporate Security Consultancy service, we train businesses to respond to a terrorist attack. Despite often inflated media coverage, the likelihood of an attack is remote, the consequences can to catastrophic in terms of severe injury or loss of life as well as any reputational issues.

The Protect Duty Legislation (also called Martyn’s Law) requires public venues to have assessed their vulnerability to terrorist attacks, implement counter-action plans and train staff accordingly. Objective Travel Safety view your premises to evaluate the risk to your venue. Providing a comprehensive action counter-attack plan with options to train all staff.

Contact us to discuss your Corporate Security, Crisis Management Planning and Training requirements.  



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